Cygnus Rock Band - Walking Through the Forest of Life (video review)

I remember when earlier this year Cygnus started to tease about the possibility of an upcoming music video, I got very excited and the first thing I did was starting to guess which song they picked - because, and this is very typical for the band, that they kept it all in secret until the release.

This teasing, "guess-what-we-are-about-but-we-won't-tell-anyway" kind of playful spirit is very characteristic of the band. Playing with our eagerness, alertness and curiosity, while sparkling up the already existing love and commitment we already had for them has been a part of this entire experience of being their fan ever since I've known them. Back in the days of the Friday Releases as well as later with their albums and their songs, Cygnus always kept - and keeps - up this very sweet, often inspiring little game which they keep us on the edge with.
Have I mentioned how I love them?

Well, the truth is, dear Reader, this video was a huge surprise for me in many ways. And before I get into any details, I can tell you, these gems are among the most beautiful ones Cygnus has ever shared with the public.

By default I found it surprising that everyone's favorite Colombians picked this song. While I wrote it in my song review as well as in the album review this song is the very core of the entire album, I still would have never thought it might eventually be the band's choice. It didn't come to my mind at all. Many other strong, characteristic songs are present on the album, like this one, or this one or even this one, somehow I was sure they would pick some of these.
But since it's the core of the album, this way the most important song of Revival, now looking back it was more than obvious that Deneb and Ruxx would choose this short instrumental piece.

The next surprise came right as I started to watch it. But that was the kind of surprise which makes you scream, your eyes wet, your heart race, your hands shake 

I almost dropped the phone while watching the video, my hands were shaking so hard

you run out of breath while the beauty and sublimeness of it makes you melt completely.
Deneb is playing the harpe in this video.
Yes, dear Reader. You saw it well. Your favorite bass player/singer/songwriter/composer/producer/multi-instrumentalist/superhero is playing a real Celtic harpe in this video. No kidding. During those weeks (or months) before they started to shoot "Walking Through the Forest of Life", Deneb got a traditional harpe and learned to play it, so in this video he himself is playing the harpe's part.
On a harpe.
And he actually made it all in total secret. Not even giving a single hint to the public.

I'm still in awe, even weeks after the video's release. It's unbelievable that this man took the risk of purchasing a harpe, something that is not only a huge piece of instrument in itself but not a natural one at all in this South American country to say the least. And then he had the courage, dedication and determination to learn to play it.
By himself. All alone, by self-teaching.
What is he if not someone to be admired, loved and cherished?

And you just watch him, sitting in a tiny forest under a tree, with the utmost peaceful and gentle expression on his face, playing the harpe.

Don't hold back those tears. Let them flow.

Ruxx brings you the third surpise of the video. 
He is painting.
Yes. Him. Making a real, actual painting sitting on a log, surrounded by brushes, paints and a canvas.

I have been aware of Ruxx's talent about drawing and painting. On his IG-profile he shares images with his drawings (in IG-stories) time after time. What is more, he has an exclusive profile for his drawings only, because when he is not drumming and singing, then he works as a tattoo artist. 

Ruxx's talent for visual arts was not a surprise at all for me. What did surprise me was that Ruxx is painting in this video in real time.
No pre-painted canvas. No preparations at all. You can see Ruxx as he starts to paint the image

I won't tell what he's painting, you'll be nice and watch the video in case you failed to do so up to this moment

in front of the camera's eye, and as the video gently floats ahead, more and more details appear on his canvas. 

If there's anything courageous, then it definitely is. How many hours of practicing was required for this?... And while in case of playing an instrument you can always re-start (probably even with the video shooting) when you make a mistake, with a painting it's a tad bit different. You either do it flawlessly or you start the entire process over.
And Ruxx had the courage, the perseverance and boldness to make it. Real time, in front of the camera's all-seeing eye.
Respect this man. And respect the piece of art he made. 

And you just watch him

especially that epic moment when he takes off his hood

and wish he would make more art like this.
Because he does have the talent for that, besides drumming, singing and songwriting.
And the world should be aware of that.

I love it.

(and yes, the tiny little surprises, too, that are not obvious, that can be found after several times of watching it, and which I won't tell here mostly because I'm grumpy and I'm convinced that you, dear casual music listener, don't deserve it, partly because I want to keep it to myself, like a totally Cygnus-addicted Gollum)


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