Cygnus Rock Band - Ulfberht (Fire and Tales)

How I love this song.
Underrated, forgotten, even though on Cygnus-gigs it's on the setlist. It does deserve the respect it gets. Though in my opinion it would deserve much more.

It's a complex, unusual song in many ways. 

I more and more have this feeling that this song is connected to Full Viking Mode in a way. It's only my ears of course, and I might be wrong, but I sense that in these two songs the harmonies walk hand in hand. It's not a co-incidence they follow each other.

Just like FVM, Ulfberht also starts with a beautifully complex intro that needs to be listened numerous times to be able to appreciate it. It's not a song you'll dance to or the one that instantly brings a smile to your face, but once you get a grip on it, its galloping theme will make your blood run faster. And the wonderful, strict but very melodic theme, the guitar and the orchestra together will melt your heart. 
Then comes the duet of the guitar and the flute. It's short, you will need to keep your ears open. But it's so beautiful that it's one of the hidden gems of the song.

I'm just wondering, but it sounds like a wooden flute. It makes the song even more special, even more folk-ish. 

Ruxx starts to sing and again it's my ears only, but I have an impression that he is singing in this so-called "parlando" style

I'm not sure though if this is the exact name for it, when the singer is singing in this "storytelling" way, keeping the rhythm a bit more freely than usual. Nevertheless two things are sure: the first is, even if it's not this "parlando" (or whatever its name is) and Ruxx is in fact singing by the rhythm, he does it with such a high routine and talent that deserves a special kind of paying respect. The second is, in case it's really this "storytelling" style, it's something that is not easy at all. Only very talented singers can do it, and even they need a lot of practicing. And it requires an especially huge amount of practice to sound this flawlessy as Ruxx is doing it.
In case any of you out there had any doubt about him and his abilities.

But I recommend you not to have any, or else we need to talk.

There's one more thing we need to talk about, and that's the tempo. I'm trying to hit it now for myself and it seems to be very complex. During the stanzas it's something extraordinary. I can't even tell what it can be, because my hearing is way too undeveloped for that. One thing is sure, it needs a lot of focus from the listener to find it out, or even just to recognize it.

And the other thing that is sure, that these musicians deserve all the respect.

The chorus is divine.
The tempo changes

these men know what makes my knees weak...

and Ruxx shows his rock opera singer abilities. The orchestra is singing a duet with him, and afterwards it even has a small solo part before the guitars and the flute would take it back.

The storytelling continues, Ruxx is showing the very best of his singing abilities. Legatos, parlando style, opera singer skills, meanwhile the tempo keeps up its magical-mysterious timing. 

This song is one of those very special, and for me especially dear songs that don't reveal themselves immediately. As if it would need to be able to trust in you, to see whether you deserve its gems and its hidden beauty. There are quite a number of Cygnus-songs like this, and Ulfberht is probably the most beautiful example. 

Then get ready, dear listener. After the second chorus - and all its miracles - a bathe of beauty is waiting for you.

Here comes a breakdown. The song slows down, and if I hear it well, an acoustic guitar appears. Deneb starts to sing, a flute (now a symphonic one) gently holds his voice in its hands. 
And afterwards the symphonic orchestra takes it over in its full armor. It is singing exactly the same melody as Deneb, but with a hundred voices of violins, violas and cellos. The rhythm section is faithfully holding them on its shoulders. 

Again just my ears and I might be wrong... but is it perhaps another wonderful Royal Theme™?

The song's ending is special, too. This is the only song on the album that fades out. The orchestra keeps singing, but it's getting more and more distant and translucent, and then with a gentle kiss on the listener's forehead it spreads its wings and disappears.

But don't worry, dear listener. It's with you, always. It's only your ears that suggest that it flew away. 
This is the one and only time you should not believe your ears.


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