Cygnus Rock Band - Full Viking Mode (Fire and Tales)

Again one of the MANY underrated and forgotten songs of Cygnus. And this time it's highly unjust

not that it wouldn't be unjust in every other case as well...

because this is the album's war song.

It's not an easy song, not a melodic song, not that song which will make you dance with a grin on your face. This song demands attention, a LOT. This song has a very special, complex theme, tiny, hidden gems you will surely not notice for the first listening, and for some of them you REALLY have to open up your ears.

Some of them, but it's only my very own thought, reminds me a bit of Dream Theater in its complexity.

The song starts with a hit into your face and it won't apologize. What is more, its galloping, heavy theme immediately stomps on you with the rhythm section, then the guitars grab you away.

Then comes that part which - most probably - remains unnoticed by the vast majority.
Deneb starts to sing and his vocals are accompanied by a tiny-sounding instrument

I'd think of a piccolo at first, but it might be a keyboard as well 
it doesn't actually matter, what matters is the theme it sings

and this tiny but distinctive sound has a breathtaking duet with the humane voice.
If you open up your ears, you will hear that they sing different themes. And if you remember well, then you'll know that a similar idea with a beautiful theme and harmony appeared already in Winter in the North - in that song a flute and the tiple are in trio with Ruxx's vocals, similarly singing a different theme than the singer. 

I just very shyly dare to ask if these two songs are actually connected to each other in any way, or it just ended up like that for the composers. Even though, while trying not to spoiler off the upcoming review that comes next week, I sense something like that in the coming up - again underrated but beautiful and complex - song, Ulfberht, too.

Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh, that song!.... 💘

Of course I get it if it's just my vivid imagination and the songs are in fact separated from each other. Nevertheless I love them all, each of them is a piece of magic full of hidden treasures.

The chorus brings what we call in my mother tongue "the vocals of the pack", when numerous male voices sing together in a half-singing, half-shouting style. This kind of vocals is exactly what you wish from a war song to strengthen your spirit. You're surrounded by your fellow brothers-in-arms, you stand together and nothing can stop you. Your only option is victory.
Exactly that kind of chorus the jumping fans LOVE to scream together with the band on gigs. And even the guitar is repeating the chorus's theme!
Deneb's voice then grabs the hands of this tiny sound and they continue to dance together. And you can't help but feel goosebumps all over your body as the bird-alike, distinctive instrument plays hide-and-seek while everyone's favorite bassist is singing

Together we stand
Make them like dust
Do not cower, do not show fear
We defend what is dear

Don't ever try to resist, dear listener. Allow the blood to run faster in your veins. Allow this courageous voice to make you believe you can do it. Allow that little, divine sound to fly around your ears, tickle you and make you smile.

Have I mentioned that this song is full of hidden treasures? Here they are!...

Then comes a beautiful, symphonic breakdown

interesting but this song has very little symphonic theme in it. Well, it's a war song, it needs to be heavy, strong and determinate, beauty is for the times of peace. Still the orchestra appears humbly, first during the chorus, and then for this short part before the solo.

and right then a strong, harsh, full-of-metal guitar solo. At first it doesn't seem to be dangerous, when it starts to repeat the intro's theme, but then take a deep breath, dear listener, because it kicks you right into the middle of the battlefield without asking.

No worries, it will protect you for the whole time. 💓

Not only that it protects you, it returns to you along with the chorus to take you - holding you tight - and bring you back to safety. The pack along with the orchestra takes you by your hand, all you have to do is to trust them with your life.
And there... you won.


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