Sting - Shape of My Heart (cover)

Sting's music and works aren't close to me, I admit. It's not that I don't like him, but in my case I need a certain ambience or mood to be able to appreciate what he is doing

or plain simply I'm just too aggressive for his music

still, with the utmost respect to the Maestro, especially to his very poetic lyrics, I prefer metal.
Most of the time I heard his songs from the radio or

nostalgic sigh

I saw his videos on MTV. His influence on pop and rock music is inevitable and he definitely deserves all the respect and appreciation he gets from other musicians and the audience.

Cygnus Rock Band picked this quiet, acoustic song from him and they decided to keep the atmosphere of it. And what I especially like is that they added clips from the movie "Léon", as the original song is part of its soundtrack.

There aren't many movies I like, since I prefer reading and listening to music than watching something, but Léon is among those not too many films I really enjoyed.

I love the idea even more that the video was released in black and white. It softens the by default gentle mood into something bittersweet and melancholic. And to add to it all, the musicians recorded it sitting on things (couch, chair, you name it), to keep themselves to the original video.

Authenticity at its best. Have I mentioned the reasons why I love this band so much?

Blu starts the song with the well-known guitar riff, Ruxx and Deneb immediately joining him. Deneb is sitting on the couch singing and playing the bass (just like Sting in the original video) and you can see - and hear, too! - as Ruxx is supporting him not just with his usual drums but also with a ganzá.

I find this a wonderful idea. It's something very small, seemingly insignificant, probably not a lot of people will recognize it. Still it gives an even more relaxed and emotional flavor to the cover. This is also something I love this band so much for, these little details. I know I've mentioned this several times, but it's something I can't say enough.

Because I know you won't pay any attention 😒

Reny plays the solo part, using a melodica to play that melody the harmonica plays in the original.
Deneb is singing the cover (together with Ruxx in the chorus) and for me this is topping this version. 

Perhaps I've said it here on this blog earlier - but at other places I'd surely said it - it's like a pinch of cinnamon on the top of your rice pudding and this is one of those very special things Cygnus Rock Band does both to their covers as well as their own songs. It's my point of view, though this time it IS carved in stone and I'm not willing to give up a millimeter on it, not even for the gods' sake. Cygnus's songs are complete - rich, well-arranged with care and love, with thorough work and dedication. Like a rice pudding, which is creamy, sweet, full of fresh fruits, the balance of the sweetness, creaminess and softness is perfect and it is served with a small pinch of cinnamon on its top, right in the middle.

His mellow, warm voice for me gives a soothing contrast to Sting's very distinctive, but - in my opinion - always a bit cool, aloof and reversed vocals. Interesting that even though the tone is a tiny bit higher than his baritone, he still performs it with the same emotion-soaked, moving and touching way as e.g. in the collab with Ken Tucker or the wonderful Bon Jovi cover. This way, with his voice full of warmth, the black and white images of the video, Ruxx's ganzá playing and the original song's soft melancholy it will slowly grow on you. You won't notice it. But you will love it. And you can be sure about it.



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