Rhapsody of Fire/Rhapsody - Lamento eroico (cover)

If I had wanted to be really authentic, I would have added "Thundercross" to the title near the two, already existing and known band names, but on one hand I wasn't in the mood, on the other nobody cares, and even these two I mentioned are there because the original song was released in 2002 when Turilli & friends were still running under the name "Rhapsody". Just they aren't anymore.

It's interesting now, because I have never been a Rhapsody (of Fire) fan. Even if I like this kind of complex music with lots of instruments, when rock is mixed with another genre, e.g. folk

that's why I'm a Cygnus Rock Band fan among others

but somehow Rhapsody of Fire couldn't catch my ears. I think the reason is probably that all the members try to be as virtuoso as it's possible in human terms in every song, while something - for me - is always missing and I couldn't tell what it is. They have some really great songs, but strangely they can't drop the anchor (so to speak) into me. But it's merely - and strictly - my very own taste and opinion, and it isn't carved in stone.

Cygnus Rock Band nevertheless decided to cover one of their songs and they were courageous enough to pick one that is in RoF's mother tongue, Italian. 

And just like in Rammstein's case, when they performed in German while not speaking the language, they don't speak Italian at all either. But being lucky Latin speakers, with Italian being very close to Spanish both in vocabulary and pronunciation, it seems that it didn't mean any serious problem to Deneb in singing.
*envious Eastern European noises while having a mother tongue that resembles Black Speech*

The intro's flute is played by a guest musician (Ofelia Marín) and right here Cygnus already adds a little extra to the cover; if you listen with open ears, you will hear a clear female vocal under the flute.
Then Deneb starts to sing and the first HUGE difference pops out, opening the eyes of the unsuspecting listener.
It's his vocals.
No, I'm not talking now about him singing in Italian, even though that by itself deserves a series of high fives and hugs.
Again, just like in the Robbie Williams, the Muse, or the Bon Jovi cover, Deneb sings with a lot of emotions. And what I admire - and I find it as another proof for his talent - is that he doesn't only let his own emotions manifest in his vocals, but he interprets the song's own emotions, too.

This is something that comes out especially with cover songs. My experience is that the majority of rock singers can rarely separate their own emotions from those of the original song - it's not necessarily a bad thing by the way, but it's nevertheless a sign of talent (for me) for being a great performer when the singer can feel, sense and interpret what the original's songwriter/lyricist wanted to say.

During the first verse enter the drums together with a string quartet (the lovely and very talented Diana "Dianita" Figureroa, Yiseth "Yiyi" Palencia, Elizabeth Muñoz and Mariana Posada) and this is again something extraordinary, that Cygnus gives so generously to the listener. The violins, the viola and the cello make a graceful, enchanting atmosphere to the song, while Ruxx and his percussions keep up the rock-ish sound. Reny leads the song with the keyboards, while Blu gives very small pinches of guitar sound, just as you give a pinch of cinnamon to your rice pudding.
I also love in Cygnus's version how the violin accompanies the humane voice in the bridge before the chorus and I especially love how Deneb shows his hidden skills that he kept in secret until this cover, namely that he does have the talent for singing classical music pieces as well. I'm not sure how much he prepared for this song, but when I gave a thorough listen to this cover, I was sincerely surprised, if not shocked on how professionally he sings it. Not just with emotions, not just with heart and soul but with skills, too. 

A message to Deneb from here: whenever you feel like training yourself for singing classical music, don't ever hold yourself back! You have the talent for it and you're supported 100%!

In the chorus Ruxx joins for the vocals, though I'm still interested how they managed to make it to sound like having an entire male angels' choir behind them.
After the chorus the flute and the female voice return. Deneb is backed by the entire string quartet, and the whole band. Again the violin gets a greater emphasis

I love it!!!!

for the second part of the verse and I really enjoy it how the strings in the cover take over the role of the piano/keyboard of the original song. This way the actual emotions get interpreted in a beautiful way and for me it's somehow poetic.

It's so beautiful. Again I can compare it to a soft blanket that covers you on a cold, hopeless evening. It's that beauty that the classic literature piece calls as something worth fighting for.

Yes, I'm aware that the original song also contains strings - as well as tubular bells, which the cover wonderfully presents - but I hope you are aware, too, that I love the cover more.

Our two favorite singers, Ruxx and Deneb sing the chorus, backed by a choir

I'm really just wondering, the curious fan never sleeps... I wonder whether it was them singing the choir's part, too. 
Because in that case they are really angels.

No, ffs not those angels in long white grandma-styled bed-gowns from that fairy tale book about the carpenter boy, but these absolutely kick-ass, masculine heroes who wear armor and carry weapons with themselves.

The cocktail cherry on the top of this beautiful chocolate cake with whipped cream is Ruxx's trademark crashes during the outro while these wonderful, beloved singers are singing as if it was a real aria.
It is. And they did their absolutely, totally and very best.
Be proud of them.



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