Cygnus Rock Band - My Glory Will Be Told (Fire and Tales)

How very much I love this song.
I'm convinced that this song is deeply underrated and it should deserve much more attention, appreciation and love. And no, not only because it starts with tiple and Deneb's rich, mellow baritone.

I remember the moment this song hit me. I think it was back in the beginning of 2022, on an unusually cold day. It was raining and I had to be somewhere full of people and noise. I was tired and all I wanted was to just go home.
I remember, I was standing at a bus stop in the rain, feeling cold, having Cygnus in my headphones and the player (in random mode) jumped to this song.
It hit me right there. I had to keep back my tears. The song took my heart into its warm hands and gently held it. It was something new. Until this point songs just helped me to grow steel around my heart, to stand firmer, stronger, more unbreakable. This one was swirling around me, sneaked into my ears, down to my heart and caressed it, patiently, with love and care, until it started to shiver and quietly yearn for more. Like a stray dog that gets kicks and hisses in its entire life, then suddenly someone approaches it with food, blanket, caressing, loving words and a shelter. And the song (being already set on repeat) hugged my heart and whispered "have no worries, I won't let you go ever".
I fell into it, like into an abyss full of secrets, miracles, passion, yearning and many other things I had never thought to receive from a song. Ever. I remember, this was the first time I thought "this band, this band definitely knows something. I don't know what this is, I don't know what's the name of it. But they have it. And I want it."
I still don't know what this is called, but maybe it doesn't even matter. I still want it, with the same hunger as on that cold, rainy day in the bus stop. And this song is among my most beloved songs by Cygnus ever since.

This is a complex song. I can rely only on my quite limited hearing and on listening to this song, often on repeat at least a hundred times if not more, but this song is full of gems, surprises and hidden beauties.

Hereby I need to declare that these are only, strictly and exclusively my very own thoughts and the way I hear this song. If I'm wrong or it's totally different from how I see, please, correct me.

First of all, and this is my secret kink concerning this song is the tempo changes. Very tricky, very playful, very hidden, but it's there and in my opinion this is one of the greatest gems of it. If my ears are right, the song starts in 3/4

I admit shyly, I'm not 100% sure in this one, it might be 6/8, just my ears recognize the 3/4

but nevertheless the chorus is already in 6/8, while the short bridge is - upon my ears - 2/4. Then from the 2nd stanza it's 6/8 through the solo until the end.
Well, regardless of finding out the right tempo or not, this, being like that is an orgasm for my ears. An eargasm.

I love it. I fkin love it. Creativity. Diversity. Musical experience, musical knowledge, refinement, grace, intellect. All in one. All in this song. All by these two wonderful musicians.

The song starts with the aforementioned tiple and a subtle cello, joined by Deneb's voice rich of emotions. Percussions join, along with chimes as Deneb is telling the touching story of a dying warrior.
For the chorus they get the company of the orchestra and the electric instruments and they all surround the humane voice, protecting it.

The beautiful, one-of-a-kind bridge with a strong guitar here takes the listener's hand and leads you to the 2nd stanza. Keep your ears and your heart open, dear Reader. It's not long, it's hiding humbly with its very special timing, the guitar powerfully takes on the lead, like a king and you're already in the arms of the tiple, the robust, reliable rhythm section

and my alliterations

and Deneb's rich baritone.
And you don't want to get out. You hug the guitar on your chest when it joins. Then, when you arrive at the 2nd chorus, you can't keep back your tears anymore.

You realize as well that it is really possible without that steel armor around yourself. You're protected. No one wants to hurt you. This song brings you beauty, vision and faith. Yes, it does really exist.

The solo is also this soothing, melodic kind. No AT-AT stomping, no virtuoso tricks, no nuclear fallout. It wipes off your tears and you catch yourself smiling. And as the chorus returns, it's you reaching out for its hand. It's you asking it to take you into its aethereal dance. You are the one who wants to get absorbed by it. You're the one who asks the song never to leave you, to stay always by your side. And the song doesn't just promise you, but in the moment you have to return back to the real world

the bus arrived

you find out that it has already moved into your heart and started to heal those harsh, crusted, sometimes still open wounds it found inside.
And while you can hardly believe your own eyes, you shyly start to believe again in miracles. 

Just like the stray dog finding its forever home.


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