Cygnus Rock Band - Victory or Valhalla (Ancient Visions)

A beautiful - and needless to say, underrated - power ballad.

My favorite thing (not necessarily in the positive way - roasting incoming, fasten your seatbelts) is when those so-called "Vikings" crawl out of their hiding places for songs like this. It's a phenomenon I see more often than I would like. These "Vikings" most of the time barely have to do anything with real Scandinavians, often they discovered after a gene examination that they had approx. 0,001% "Viking" blood in their veins, and from that moment on their beard suddenly reaches their chests, they pose with all sorts of weapons on their social media profiles, they have at least one Valknut/Vegvisir/Thor/old Futhark runes/whatever tattoo, possibly at a visible place (neck/back of the hand) and they howl listening to songs like this either shedding crocodile tears over their - often imaginary - ancestry, or demanding that this song should be played at their funeral.
(roasting cont.d) Of course often actual Scandinavians fall into this trap as well. It's also a phenomenon; they might not need any gene examination, but the weird, often extreme/extremist pride of their traditions is heavily there. We all know examples from history where it lead to and there really are people and groups who seemingly didn't learn anything on history classes at school. 
What these two groups above have in common is the sentimental, overly-romanticized infatuation for the (imaginary) past; usually a lot of similarities with historical extremist groups, especially about their world views (often with keen interest about conspiracy theories); and a howling, crocodile tears-filled reaction on such power ballads like this one.

But who am I to judge?... 🙄

Let's talk about music instead. That's what matters, not these posers.

The song starts with an enchanting cinematic intro.

I wonder if the strings were recorded live, with an actual instrument or if it's studio magic...  whichever choice was made, the atmosphere is beautiful.

Deneb sings the first stanza, followed by Ruxx and the listener can admire for the umpteenth time

not that it would be enough!

the wonderful contrast between Deneb's mellow baritone and Ruxx's sharp tenor as well as the harmony they make. Only the orchestra follows them and a very soft, very humble acoustic guitar.

The chorus gives you goosebumps. Not only because it's monumental, as if it would have been taken from a movie's epic battle scene, not only because of the heavy presence of timpani

these Colombians know how to buy me, really

but also because these amazing, very creative and enthusiastic rockers made the ambient noises themselves.
Watch them!

Have I mentioned how much I fkin LOVE them?... 💓

In the second stanza the acoustic guitar gets more emphasis; it switches places with the orchestra, the strings stay in the background, allowing the guitar to swirl around the humane voices. Deneb and Ruxx after each other sing the hardships of a Viking battle and the courage and glory of the warriors.

I love how the instrumental part is quiet and how they allow the vocals to dominate the stanzas' parts. I can't watch in awe enough the wonder of the contrast between Ruxx's and Deneb's voice and how much they complete each other. I know that many people will never recognize it. I know the vast majority will live their life not even realizing the richness of these two men's vocals and the miracle that happens when these voices join. 
These people forever stay poor in their own little bubble.

I know, I know... let them be. Who am I to judge. Let any one of us who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at them. And so on.... 

The solo is another piece of beauty. Only the orchestra and only the battle ambient made by these two wonderful men. The brasses make it very powerful, very cinematic

have I mentioned that the composer here makes a job that would make him eligible for a movie soundtrack as well?
Shame on me. Then I mention it now.
The composer here makes such a kick-ass, amazing, absolutely admirable and excellent job that he's knocking on the door of Howard Shore, John Williams and Hans Zimmer.
There. Now you know it.

In case you haven't - and I know you haven't 😒

The chorus returns after the solo, but now the entire orchestra - along with the brasses - escort them; the humane voices, the battle ambience and the orchestra altogether join in a beautiful catharsis that leaves you in tears.
And now you bow down. No, not for your imaginary ancestors.
For these two wonderful musicians.


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