Cygnus Rock Band - Pagan Orgy (Ancient Visions)

This is one of Cygnus Rock Band's songs that is seriously and widely underrated. Yes, exactly because the vast majority of listeners take it as a 

no, I fkin won't use tabloid-level qualifier words here; gain some dignity and get cultured, for Odin's sake, yes, you!!!

song and won't give a single flying fk about the song itself.
It's full of hidden gems.

of course you're not aware of them, why would you... you stopped at these cheap labels and didn't even mind to get any further, did you? 😒

It starts with soft, forest-alike ambient noises and the sensual sound of percussions, tiple, other string instruments and flute

The tiple rules the entire song. The truth is that this instrument is the greatest gem here.

then it suddenly turns into rock with Ruxx's sharp, powerful tenor. The tiple continuously accompanies the human vocals, playing hide-and-seek with the guitars, then the entire atmosphere turns back into quiet, sensual and soft with Deneb's mellow baritone. Soon a flute accompanies them, dancing around the bass player's passionate voice, while the tiple and the percussions constantly walk by their side. For the chorus they hold each other tight and dance around together by the rhythm section's dominion.

The bridge is again ruled by Ruxx's voice, and then he continues the second stanza. His devilish, rock/blues/smoke-soaked voice is in high contrast with Deneb's deeply emotional, velvety vocals

every time, every single time I stop and watch them in awe how much they complement each other
it's just simply never enough
two wonderful musicians, two artists, two pure talents - and they work and make music together!

and interesting that here the tiple stays a bit more quiet, allowing more space to the percussions and the vocals.

This is great... I find it a wonderful idea, to emphasize the power of the humane voice with different methods. Deneb's singing in particual is empowered by instruments to highlight the shades and flavors of his rich, expressive vocals; while Ruxx, having this very distinctive, harsh, powerful voice got just some delicate fragments of the tiple and a humbly singing flute to accompany his singing.

The chorus again holds together all the instruments and voices in one embrace then it softly transforms into the solo.

This solo is very special, one of the most special solos ever, not just on this album, but in the long row of Cygnus songs as well. In my opinion this is the other wonderful gem of this song.
The tiple is playing the solo.
Absolute, total, overwhelming beauty. Goosebumps. Tears. The sound of this enchanting instrument is dancing around the listener's ears, teasing them, sneaking into the auditory meatuses, tingling the heart's strings, soaking into every little cell, every little atom, making the listener shake, shiver, shed tears and begging for more. And the listener is begging to the gods to cover the hands that are playing with gold.
The guitars and the rhythm section accompany the tiple for the whole time, giving a solid, determining base for the solo, then for a short while they get a chance to show themselves, but only for making the listener sure it's a rock song.
The chorus returns afterwards, just to disappear again, giving way to the actual, real orgy

for your ears, dear listener

a rich, hedonistic, exuberant, full of flavors, full of tastes, excessive and lavish, long and beautiful outro. The rhythm section is in full power, Ruxx shows the very best part of his talent with all the musical ornaments he is making with his drumset; the bass gruntles firmly, and here the guitar starts to play an absolutely virtuoso solo - but escorted for the whole time by Ruxx's vocals. These two, the guitar and the humane voice performs probably one of the most exciting duets of rock music. The instrument is racing around the vocals like a bewildered horse, while the voice is keeping it all under control, not allowing the music to fall apart - while the rhythm section empowers them and holds them on their shoulders.
Yes. This song is THIS magical.
Not for the reasons you first thought it was.


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