More Than Drunks (Extreme - More Than Words cover)

How I LOVE this cover and how many memories it brings back!...

The hot summer of 1991, I was already deep down in rock music. Elementary school (or primary school - as you like it) finished for me.

Here in my country primary/elementary school is 8 years long. From there kids go to high school that usually lasts for 4 or 5 years, depending on the school itself.

I spent long days in my room listening to music only. Mötley Crüe, Poison, Alice Cooper, Guns 'n' Roses, Bon Jovi, Skid Row, Van Halen, Warrant, David Lee Roth, Aerosmith and yes, Extreme. Endlessly, no skipping, no pause. All day long. Like a maniac. Soaking music into myself. 
I especially remember Extreme's Pornograffitti album was something even my non-rock/metal fan classmates had borrowed from me, mainly for their MTV-hit "More Than Words". 
I loved the entire album. Back then I couldn't put my thoughts into words - damn, I was only 14 years old! - but I still felt this album was extraordinary. It was fresh, energetic, full of extraordinary songs, absolutely no idleness, all songs were different yet very exciting, with 4 very talented musicians. Also it was a concept album and for me the idea of it, namely to have a storyline that connects all the songs of an album was very exciting even back then.
And I think this album still hits hard today, after more than 30 years.
Hereby I admit, my favorite song from this album back then was "Get The Funk Out" (with "More Than Words" as the very close 2nd, losing the 1st place only within a millimeter). The reason is simple. Have you heard this song's bass line?...
(and the drums? and the brasses? and the guitar solo? and the jazz/funky elements? and... and... and...)

Yes. For fk's sake, yes. I was a bass/rhythm section fan even then. Damn it, some things just never change.💓

I have to confess something. I have always hoped that Cygnus Rock Band one day would make an Extreme-cover. I remember when they finished doing covers and started to make their 4th Viking album "Death And Glory" I was a very little bit... no, not disappointed, because I was very happy with all their 110 existing covers and I was more than happy and enthusiastic about the upcoming album. Still somehow it stayed in me. Like a kind of unfinished poem. 

I clearly remember that day when Cygnus Rock Band released this cover, absolutely out of the blue, all of a sudden. I didn't want to believe my eyes, nor my ears. Another cover. ANOTHER COVER. 
And it was Extreme!
I was screaming. Needless to say, I rushed to watch it and I was in tears from happiness. 

No exaggeration. I was really that happy.

The song itself is the most simple and its beauty is exactly its simplicity. As simple and beautiful it is, a lot of rock and pop bands have covered it, what is more, countless amateur musicians tried themselves as well by playing it. And this song just doesn't want to age. It's the same beautiful and simple as it was back in 1990, when it was released.
I don't know how many times I watched this video by Cygnus Rock Band. I love everything and everyone in it. The fact they made it black and white, just like the original video. The way Ruxx is snapping his fingers to 1 & 3 

musicians will understand why it's a thing 

or how Deneb is raising his drinking horn. How these 3 musicians, whom I love the most in this world are having fun together on a porch late at night, just with one microphone and one guitar.
I remember, when Cygnus released this video, I wrote about it on FB and I want to copy it here, because... because ffs it's hilarious!!!

"More Than Drunks" cocktail recipe
1 classic song from one of the greatest bands of the early '90s
3 wonderful men
1 guitar
1 microphone
1 porch
lots of alcohol, preferably wine
optionally a cigarette lighter and/or a hammock 
First take the men and soak them into alcohol. Use good quality wine, don't spare on it. Use a lot, if needed. It will definitely elevate the quality! Give them time to get soaked. You might also soak yourself into alcohol, it will just add to the atmosphere. Here the key is time & quality.
Now, when everyone is soaked, including you yourself, add the porch. It can be anywhere, really. Sure, we prefer Colombian porches, but in fact it can be anywhere in the world. You know... wooden floor, small roof, seats, maybe a table (you need to keep the leftover alcohol somewhere after all!). You may leave it to rest again a bit.
Now add the guitar. A simple acoustic one. On porches we don't use electric guitars anyway. Okay, only when we want to annoy the grumpy boomer neighbor who keeps listening to the radio with all those awful "retro" songs while weeding his garden. But now the neighbor is sleeping while we're having a great time and don't care about anything else.
After a short while you can add the microphone, too. At this point the alcohol reached the peak of its effect, so definitely work with the utmost attention.
Now add the old classic song. Mix it very carefully, make sure every small piece of it gets dissolved and the other ingredients soak them up well. Give it a time. Don't worry if it's not a homogenous mix, if it's a bit ruggy and rocky, that will just make it all even more special. (tip: add a bit more alcohol for this ruggy-rocky effect for the stronger taste!)
Optionally you can add a cigarette lighter to make it even more authentic. The hammock gives it an even more homey atmosphere.
Now shake it well, but carefully. No sudden or rough movements! Handle it with care ❤️
Best served late at night. Enjoy it unlimited, on repeat! 🔂 SKÅL!!!


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